Anderson Computer Consulting Services

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The Hardware Side......

Key Benefits

A tutorial on any item listed is dependent on the services provided. Some software comes with its own tutorial and the fee is negotiated with the Price/Hour and the License Price


Hardware Pricing (Estimated)



Selling Cost

License Price

Hourly Service

Installations CD-ROM Drives


Installations Controller Cards


Installations Floppy Disk


Installations Hard Disk


Installations Input / Output (I/O) Cards


Installations Memory Chips


Installations Modems


Installations Monitors


Installations Motherboard


Installations Mouse


Installations Power Supply


Installations Printers


Installations Sound Cards


Installations Tape Backup Drives


Maintenance Hardware


Installations Video Cards


Maintenance Miscellaneous Mileage


Maintenance Miscellaneous Purchase Equipment For System


Maintenance Miscellaneous Tutorials


If payment is not received upon time of services, you will be billed later by invoice.

Additional software and/or hardware that is not listed will be negotiated at a later time between myself and the responsible party depending on what requirements are needed at the time.

For computer goods over $500.00 (Software or Hardware), the customer must pay 2/3 of the total cost up front and the company will pay the other 1/3. The customer will pay the balance of the cost 60 days after installation and setup. This cost does not include labor and mileage.

If the balance is not paid within the 60 days, the equipment will be forfeited by the customer and returned to the company at the customer's expense and all funds associated with the cost of purchasing the equipment will be forfeited. The equipment will then become the property of the company.

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